These were the people that danced around onstage ... That stared into those incredibly bright spotlights ... That put on layers and layers of makeup and various forms of haircare products every week. These were the actors and actresses of Indecent Exposure. Over the 15 years that the cast was in existence, many different people graced the stage of the UC Theatre performing with the cast. Each one brought their own style to the character and their own ideas to what the performance should be. Whether they only were on cast for a short period or for many years, each one contributed to what the show became.
To look through the pictures, choose a character link to the left. Each page will have a list of the people that played the part, and, if there are currently pictures, a headshot of the performer. Click on the headshot to go to each performer's photo page.
Main |
Actors |
Tech |
Special Shows |
Audience |
Theatre |
Credits |